Uni4Coop joint programme 2022-2026

From 2022 to 2026, the 4 French-speaking university NGOs in the Uni4Coop consortium (FUCID, Eclosio, Louvain Coopération and ULB-Coopération) will together implement 24 projects in 4 West African countries (Benin, Burkina Faso, Senegal and Togo), 2 Central African countries (Democratic Republic of Congo and Burundi), Madagascar, 2 Latin American countries (Bolivia and Peru) and one Asian country (Cambodia), as well as in Belgium.


Pays U4c


Financial partner 

Total amount for the entire programme, all NGOs combined: €10,892,668.44.


belgique partenaire du développement


The 2022-2026 programme is a continuation of the previous five-year programme, while offering a greater degree of integration of the actions undertaken by the various NGOs.

The actions carried out jointly by the NGOs in the consortium are:

  • 1 Global Citizenship and Solidarity Education action to strengthen critical and responsible citizenship among the university community in Belgium
  • 1 Integrated Knowledge Management (IKM) project, coordinated in Belgium
  • 1 Mangrove action to preserve mangrove ecosystems, promote socio-ecological resilience and improve the well-being of local populations (project in Senegal for ULB-Coopération)
  • 2 actions aimed at strengthening food sovereignty through the co-construction of sustainable and inclusive food systems and the stimulation of local economic activities (in Burkina Faso, DRC and Senegal for ULB-Coopération)
  • 2 actions to support the operation of health systems and improve their accessibility, in the DRC.

In all the projects, gender, human rights, training, research and knowledge sharing are cross-cutting themes that are strongly developed. These last points are particularly supported by the implementation of the 2 actions carried out jointly by the 4 NGOs in collaboration with their universities, relating to the preservation of mangroves and the inclusive management of knowledge.

Number of projects by theme

Nbre De Projets Par Thématique


Number of joint actions

Actions Communes


En quelques images