INFRA+: Improving infrastructure and working conditions in North Kivu and Ituri

The INFRA+ project will improve the accessibility and quality of care offered to people in the provinces of North Kivu and Ituri by strengthening the health infrastructure (construction of several new buildings, equipping them, setting up a drinking water and energy supply system, etc.).

Financial partner

The project is funded by the European Union (EU). It is part of the Programme to Strengthen the Supply of and Develop Access to Healthcare (PRO-DS) financed by the EU as part of the 11th European Development Fund (EDF).

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The Strategic Plan for Universal Health Coverage (UHC) 2021-2030 in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) places particular emphasis on the construction and rehabilitation of health infrastructure, including water, electricity and equipment, in order to provide the quality services required for the development of UHC. This involves building new health centres and replacing all substandard health centres. It also means building or renovating General Reference Hospitals (GRHs) where necessary. The INFRA+ project was designed in response to this Plan.

The volatile environment in which INFRA+ operates (North Kivu and Ituri), coupled with widespread inflation due to the unstable international context, are essential characteristics that have guided the working method proposed by ULB-C° to bring this project to a successful conclusion. Risk management will receive constant attention. This control has already proved its worth in previous projects carried out by ULB-Cooperation (PADISS and PADISS 2); it is based on various elements, including the active involvement of the local community in the various stages of implementation of the worksites and the use of local contractors (well established and capable of adapting to the local context).




  • Building and equipping essential and technical services at HGR Masereka (operating theatre, maternity unit, imaging, laboratory, intensive care and emergency)
  • Building and equipping essential and technical services at HGR Mambasa (operating theatre, maternity, imaging, laboratory, intensive care and emergency)
  • Building and equipping essential and technical services at the Komanda HGR (operating theatre, maternity unit, imaging unit, laboratory, intensive care unit and emergency unit)
  • Building and equipping essential and technical services at the Kyondo HGR (imaging and laboratory)
  • Building and equipping essential and technical services at HGR Nizi (technical block and hospital block)
  • Building essential and technical drug storage facilities at CADIMEBU (Bunia Essential Drug Supply and Distribution Centre)
  • Building drinking water supply systems for the HGRs of Masereka, Kyondo (North Kivu) and Mambasa, Komanda, Nizi (Ituri)
  • Building drinking water supply systems for the health centres of Mangusu and Nduye (Ituri), and Ngiste and Vughalihya (North Kivu)
  • Reinforcing solar energy systems  at the Masereka and Kyondo (North Kivu), Mambasa, Komanda and Nizi (Ituri) HGR

Direct beneficiaries

  • The 429 staff of the rehabilitated and/or built facilities
  • The 50,269 patients treated in hospital each year by the rehabilitated facilities
  • The 7,254 women treated for childbirth each year by the rehabilitated hospital facilities
  • The population (30,727 people) with access to the 4 health centres benefiting from new drinking water supply points
  • The 18 members of the CADIMEBU team in Bunia

Operational partners

  • Provincial Health Divisions (DPS North Kivu and Ituri)
  • The management committees of the various hospitals (Masereka, Kyondo, Mambasa, Komanda, Nizi)
  • The Board of Directors of CDR CADIMEBU
  • People living near the new sites
  • The health committees of the health centres targeted by the drinking water supply (Ngitse,
    Vughalihya, Mangusu and Nduye)


10.371.032 €


48 months: 13.09.2022 – 12.09.2026